Broken Hill

Broken Hill City is known for its rich mining history and boasts being recognised as Australia’s first heritage listed city, having been listed on the National Heritage List alongside the Australian War Memorial, the Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef.

The City is integral to the Outback New South Wales tourism region.

Data for this website has been sourced from Council’s financial statements, Council’s annual report and Council’s data returns. The website also refers to data from a number of agencies and entities. Please refer to the data page of this website for links to definitions, information on performance measures, benchmarks, OLG Groups and the data sources that have been used.

Please contact Council if you would like any further details or explanations regarding individual results and any differences between your Council’s performance and that of another council.

Contacting Council

Administrative Centre, 240 Blende Street
Broken Hill NSW 2880
Postal Address:
PO Box 448, Broken Hill NSW 2880
Phone: 08 8080 3300
Fax: 08 8080 3424

Your Local Government Area

Population (No.) 17,569
Area (Km2) 170.1
Council Classification Regional Town/City
OLG Group 4
State Planning Region Far West
JO Region Far South West

Your Council

Result Group Avg. *
Councillors (No.) 10 9
Population per Councillor (No.) 1,766 4,078
Equivalent Full Time Staff (EFT) (No.) 143 381
2022/23 Revenue ($'000) 44,059 152,878
2022/23 Expenses ($'000) 36,782 121,049
Residential Pensioner Rebates (%) 23 18
Population Density (residents per Km2) 104 36
* A NSW council group is determined firstly by whether they are Urban or Rural in nature, and then by population size and density. Please refer to OLG Groups in data tab on website for more information on how individual councils are classified. An OLG group average is then calculated by the average of the same group number eg. All Group 5 Regional Towns/City or all Group 8 Rural.

Your Public Facilities

Result Group Avg.
Public Swimming Pool Complexes (inc rock pools) (No.) 1 3
Public Halls (No.) 3 14
Public Libraries (No.) 1 2
Open Public Space (ha) 3,800.00 866.7
Total Road Length (km) 278.80 1,402.30

Demographics of Population

under 20 years
20 - 59 years
60 years and older

Council population (%)

Group population (%)


population change last 5 years

Source: ABS, Estimated Resident Population (ERP)

Your Local Population

Latest Outcome Group Avg.
Five Year Population Change (%) -0.9 3.5
Population aged under 20 years (%) 22.9 24.3
Population aged between 20 and 59 years (%) 46.6 47.4
Population aged 60 years and older (%) 30.5 28.3
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders (%) 10 6.8
Speaks language other than English at home (%) 3.4 6.4
Socio-Economic Index Rank (1 low, 128 high) 9 N/A

Council Population Gender

Aboriginal & Torres
Strait Islander

Language Diversity

Rest of population

Your local population (%)

Your Local Economy

Result Group Avg.
Unemployment Rate (%) 4.6 2.8
Avg Taxable Income ($) 62,469 58,147
Avg Household Size (No.) 2.2 2.4
Value of DA's determined ($'000) 47,947,172 226,755,874
Active Businesses in LGA (No.) 967 3,707

Largest Industry Employer

Health care and social assistance