Nambucca Valley is located on the Mid North Coast. The terrain is steep and intersected by small streams nestled between the foothills of the Great Dividing Range and the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. The Shire has two National Parks, eight local nature reserves and 25km of coastline. The main localities of the Shire include Nambucca Heads, Macksville, Bowraville, Valla Beach and Scotts Head with many smaller villages and rural settlements.
Traditional industries of dairying, timber, grazing, and horticulture have been supplemented by aquaculture and tree crops such as macadamias. Service industries, in particular tourism, aged care and health services are important and growing sources of employment.
Data for this website has been sourced from Council’s financial statements, Council’s annual report and Council’s data returns. The website also refers to data from a number of agencies and entities. Please refer to the data page of this website for links to definitions, information on performance measures, benchmarks, OLG Groups and the data sources that have been used.
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