Your Local Government Area |
Result |
Population (No.) | 131,122 |
Area (Km2) | 40.5 |
Council Classification | Metropolitan |
OLG Group | 3 |
State Planning Region | Metropolitan Sydney |
Your Council |
Result | Group Avg. * |
Councillors (No.) | 12 | 13 |
Population per Councillor (No.) | 10,814 | 14,031 |
Equivalent Full Time Staff (EFT) (No.) | 469 | 769 |
2022/23 Revenue ($'000) | 173,691 | 281,722 |
2022/23 Expenses ($'000) | 142,573 | 226,267 |
Residential Pensioner Rebates (%) | 9 | 10 |
Population Density (residents per Km2) | 3,353 | 3,380 |
* A NSW council group is determined firstly by whether they are Urban or Rural in nature, and then by population size and density. Please refer to OLG Groups in data tab on website for more information on how individual councils are classified. An OLG group average is then calculated by the average of the same group number eg. All Group 5 Regional Towns/City or all Group 8 Rural. |
Your Public Facilities |
Result | Group Avg. |
Public Swimming Pool Complexes (inc rock pools) (No.) | 1 | 6 |
Public Halls (No.) | 15 | 23 |
Public Libraries (No.) | 5 | 6 |
Open Public Space (ha) | 770.4 | 1,070.90 |
Total Road Length (km) | 323.70 | 561.60 |