The Hills

Average Residential Ordinary Rates


Change from 2021/22 to 2022/23

Your Council's Rates & Charges

Result Group Avg.
Avg Ordinary Residential Rate ($)1,103.731,397.43
Avg Ordinary Business Rate ($)2,243.054,881.23
Avg Ordinary Farmland Rate ($)1,469.804,835.60
Avg Ordinary Mining Rate ($)N/A237,500.00
Total Land Value / Total Rate Revenue ($)585.48327.68
Typical Residential Water Bill ($)N/A406.36
Typical Residential Sewer Bill ($)N/A555
Typical Residential Water & Sewer Bill ($)N/A961.36
Typical Residential Water & Sewer Bill ($)480.9865.06

Operating Performance Ratio

Your Councils Income Sources 2022/23 (%)

Your Councils Expenditure 2022/23 (%)

Your Council's Financial Performance

Result Group Avg.
Own Source Revenue (%) 47.1 65.1
Grant & Contributions Revenue (%) 49.7 34.2
Operating Performance Ratio (%) 14.1 3.2
Unrestricted Current Ratio 3 3.5
Outstanding Rates & Charges (%) 5.5 5
Debt Service Cover Ratio 134.9 32.7
Cash Expense Cover Ratio (Mths) 35.3 16.7
Debt Service Ratio 0.2 2.8

* See NSW Overview - Finances for definitions